Category: Educational
How to make your creative images more interesting The interest was greater than ever when I walked onto the big stage at Fotomässan Stockholm in November to talk about the road to creative images that evokes emotions, not only showing technique or surface. There were people as far as I could see (< 300) and the…
Create images with strong storytelling I entered the big stage at Fotomässan Stockholm in November and you can now watch the entire talk online (opens in a new window at Moderskeppet)! “How do you tell a story in a creative image? Why is it important with a location scouting library, what symbolizes different colours in…
INSPIRATION FOR IMAGE CREATORS – How to get inspired again and again..? Reflections from my latest teaching class
I headed to Fotoskolan Göteborg this week for a full day to talk and teach the class about creating images. The day before I got interviewed by Moderskeppet about my work and I got the question how I approach ‘inspiration’, and if I wait for it to happen before I start to create or if…
Online video course for Moderskeppet – ‘CREATE IMAGINATIVE IMAGE STORIES’
And so it is time… My online video course for Moderskeppet Guld is up and available! Join me for CREATE IMAGINATIVE IMAGE STORIES (Skapa fantasifulla bildberättelser). TRAINING COURSE CONTENT Create your own fantastical story by following me through my process of creating storytelling photography with my special version of realistic surrealism. I’ll teach you a simple…
Our wedding – Part II – 9 tips to consider before choosing your wedding photographer
Today is the 1st year anniversary of our incredible wedding day! To celebrate, being a photographer and all, I can’t help myself to share some hopefully useful tips to all of you out there who are going to be married, or knows someone who are, about important considerations and wishes for a bride and groom to…
5 essential questions as photographers – Artist talk at Fotoskolan Göteborg
I was invited to do an artist talk at Photography School Gothenburg (Fotoskolan Göteborg) yesterday and together we wrote down answers to five questions. When working and living as a photographer sometimes it can be difficult to try to stay true to your own visions and keep your creative pride, thinking that you need to create…
Making man fly – how to create levitation in Photoshop
This video is a Before & After as well as an accelerated showcase of my post-processing of a several files to a finished conceptual image. Here I’m making man fly by creating levitation with a few Photoshop tricks. The sky is the limit… ________________ location | LANGKAWI ISLAND in MALAYSIAmodel | ANDREAS GUSTAFSSON ________________ To sneak…
Post-processing a fairy tale
“The girl and the secret within” – This video is a Before & After as well as an accelerated showcase of my post-processing of several files to a finished conceptual image in Photoshop. The world can be so much more than what first meets the eye… _____________INTRIGUED BY IMAGINATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY?Connect with me on Instagram for…
To wear a dead bird’s wings…
Welcome to my very first Behind the Scenes! “Broken Wings” derives from a summer’s day when I was taking a walk and my eyes got caught on these semi-decomposed bird wings among the leaves on the ground. And my instinct was of course that I had to wear them! Even though they would only fit…